Have you shaken your house yet?
First, you realize you hear the urgent and optimist chatter of the birds. Then, the sun throws back the heavy blanket of gray clouds that have been covering the Northern Hemisphere with snow, ice, and cold rain for months and peeks her glowing face through.
As the snow melts away our winter blues our mood lightens with the anticipation of spring.
The reason we spring clean stems from two competing cultures, Iranian and Jewish.
In Iran the new year (Now Rouz) arrives on March 21st. It’s a time for refreshing and nothing is spared as the entire house is cleaned including rugs, drapes, bedding, and floors. This ritual is done about two week before March 21 and is called khaneh takani or shaking the house.
Once the house is shaken the new year and spring can arrive.
Tip #1 How to decorate for Spring: Add fun throw pillows for a burst of color.

A pop of color with a simple throw pillow and fresh flowers invigorate this room. image source
In the Jewish culture passover is a time of cleaning as well and marks the exodus of the Jews form Egypt and is two weeks after the Jewish New Year. Because the slaves in Egypt were only fed unleavened bread (bread without yeast, called Matzah) the Jews adopted matzah as a symbol for what they had overcome.
Having leavened bread in your home, even an unnoticed crumb was considered insolent and unthankful. So to ensure nothing was overlooked the whole house was scrubbed top to bottom.
Here in the U. S. the traditions continue because homes have been closed up for long hard winters, trapping dust, and germs inside so people take to spring cleaning.
The spring season is also a natural mood booster you can easily mirror to revive, refresh, and renovate your home and soul with some spring decorating.
Let’s Party
After all that house shaking, its time to party. People feel optimistic, cheerful, happy, and hopeful with the onset of spring. After all the scrubbing, scouring, and dusting is done its time to do some spring decorating.
If you want to feel delighted, refreshed, happy, or joyful in your home adopting some inspiration from spring decorating is a step in the right direction to initiate those feelings.
Spring is nature’s way of saying, “let’s party!”
~Robin Williams
Tip #2 How to decorate for Spring: Add fresh flowers to your home

A simple arrangement of fresh flowers bedside entice the senses and add some spring freshness to your room. image source
Tip #3 How to decorate for Spring: Add a statement wallpaper for a kick of color.

A statement wallpaper wall in this kitchen is cheerful, and happy. image source
Tip #4 How to decorate for Spring: invest in fresh new bedding in your favorite color to up the happiness factor in your bedroom.

To really ramp up the cheeriness factor this bedding with pops of red, pink, and blue does the job. image source
How could you not wake up energized and in a good mood with this vibrant bedding?
Spring Decorating
Here is my design to inspire your spring decorating, after you shake your house, of course.