Rock n roll comes home. Are you ready to rock? Tomorrow is the day CB2 gives a sneak peek for 48 hours of the Kravitz Design collaboration.  Are you familiar with CB2? Its Crate and Barrel’s younger, hipper, contemporary, more *affordable* sibling.  They have a few stores in various metro cities and a very robust online presence.

CB2 is premiering a new collection by Kravitz Designs tomorrow. Those on the list get first dibs shopping September 15th-16th.

Who is Kravitz Designs? Kravitz Designs is a new furniture collection by none other than Lenny “His Royal Sexiness” Kravitz.  The Grammy-award winning rockstar. Actor (hello Hunger Games). Walking sex appeal. Epitome of cool. Most recently in the news for a wee  bit of a wardrobe malfunction on stage when he split his leather pants…while commando. #penisgate

I huuurrrrd there was nothing wee about it, ahem. ( No I did not search the inter webs high and low to get a peek.)

If you can’t tell I have a thang for Mr. Lenny Kravitz.


Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Screenshot 2015-09-14 13.17.08 Screenshot 2015-09-14 13.32.24 Lenny Kravitz Rock n roll comes to design

                                                                      images via instagram

Laaaawd have mercy.

Let me splash my face with cold water.  Okay,  this is a design blog right?  Back to work!

Yes, so tomorrow CB2 is revealing the Kravitz Design Collection to a select few on the mailing list before the general population has the opportunity to peruse and purchase October 1st. Hope you got on the list last week.

I have a feeling this is going to be the design version of the Lilly Pulitzer/Tar-jay collaboration Spring 2015…total chaos.  Hang onto your panties-and wallets. Shop online.

You are probably thinking, why the heck is a rockstar designing furniture?  Probably for the same reason a former supermodel and sexy Latina actress have furniture collections.

Sex sells.

But seriously, Mr. Kravitz  has skillz beyond  being a Grammy-winning musician, acclaimed actor and the ability to arouse woman to throw their panties on stage. In 2003 he opened his own design firm and in recent years  he has designed  furniture, chandeliers, and gorgeous public spaces.   I don’t know where he finds the time.

He infuses his consummate cool, sultry vibe and signature rock ‘n roll glam into everything he does. Did you ever see his Miami  pad ( and only cool sexy peeps have pads).  His spaces are soulful, glamorous, highly textured and individual.  You would expect nothing less from this child of the 70’s.


Kravitz former Miami home designed by BNO Designs

Kravitz former Miami home designed by BNO Designs

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So wild, and fun. Good thing most of the house was white  and black.

Here are a few of Lenny Kravitz’s design projects.


Paramount Bay Lobby, Miami Rock n roll comes home

Paramount Bay Lobby, Miami

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Lenny Kravitz Paris apt.

Kravitz’s Paris apt.

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Kravitz’s first tv set design for the Queen Latifah Show. Love how the open weave wall is a series of linking Q’s.



Kravitz’s Mademoiselle faux fur + python collaboration with Philippe Stark

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Sneak Peek of the new Collaboration with CB2


how to add rock n roll style to your home

Kravitz Nova side table with CB2

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Love this dark wood and geometric convex brass side table.


how to add rock roll style to your home

A variety of throw pillows by Kravitz Design

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how to add rock n roll style to your home

Lola lamp-Kravitz Designs

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Digging the silhouette, and texture of the this brass lamp. Can’t wait for the full reveal in the next few days.  I’m sure the Kravitz Collection won’t disappoint and is sure to have something rock n’ roll red and or high gloss black in the collection for good measure.

Let me know if you bring a little rock n roll home to own crib.
