Many times the help of an interior designer is enlisted because of a major life event. Sometimes it’s the purchase of a first home, downsizing to a smaller home, a divorce, or you find yourself hosting an upcoming graduation, wedding, friends giving or holiday party for the first time.
These are all very emotional life events in their own right. Before the celebratory euphoria can curl up in the left chamber of your heart and get cozy, though, an irritating little itch is starting in the back of your mind.
The onset of this event triggers you to become more conscious of your surroundings and you start examining your home with a new, critical eye. The next thing you know you’re in a panic thinking, I can’t hold the (fill in your major life event!) here as you give your faded sofa the stink eye.
And oh NO – you just realized the walls are bit dingy and in need of a fresh coat of paint.
How are you going to deal with this?
Suddenly, you’re motivated and ready to roll up your sleeves and whip your place into an Instagram worthy hangout. The first thing you do is hop online to get some decorating ideas. Two hours later, you emerge from a pinning induced stupor and even worse, you don’t really love anything you saved on your Pinterest board. It all looks like a hodge podge mess of styles. You’re sure that what you pinned is not what one would call eclectic – it’s more like “decorating disaster chic”.
Now, you’re frustrated and overwhelmed with all of the selections, details, and logistics of what should be done and when. Not to mention who to hire, and with everything else going on, where will you find the time to do it all? Work and family obligations are stretching you thin as is – you do NOT have the bandwidth to manage a decorating project as well.
Back to the google you go, this time to look for a local designer. You search around a bit and find one you like. You like their energy and style. Now, you feel relieved and happy to find someone who ‘gets’ you. Someone who can rid you of your house shame and help you have a stylish home you’re proud to show off.
Ahhhhh. That feels MUCH better.
Are you hosting any events in the up coming months and you’re struggling with creating a cohesive look in your home? Let’s set up a free 15 minute call and get you back on track to feeling relieved and happy in your home, too.