Articles & Blog

Has The Japandi Relationship Gone Sour?
Japandi is the intentional blending of the Japanese and Scandinavian design influences. You know, like that nauseating pop-culture activity of blending a celebrity couple's name into one unfortunate nickname. The Japanese aesthetic is practical, clean lines,...
One Room Challenge Teen Girl’s Bedroom-week 1
For the first time I am participating in the One Room Challenge as a guest participant. If you are not familiar with the ORC as it is affectionately referred by many, it is a challenge to bloggers, designers, design enthusiast and anyone who wants to exercise...
Design Inspiration-New York Fashion Week
Design Inspiration-New York Fashion Week Today is the weekly update for Wear to Ware Wednesday and so much inspiration to choose from. First, it's Valentine's Day or Galentines's Day if you're hanging out with your gal pals and New York Fashion Week (NYFW) is wrapping...
Weekly Wear to Ware
Fusion of wearable and wonderful Hello there it's our weekly Wear to Ware Wednesday post. This fashion inspiration comes from the July 2017 issue of Vogue Magazine which featured the young actress Zendaya. This inspirational fashion ensemble is a self-assured...
Friday Finds Gentleman’s Lounge
Friday Finds-Gentleman's Lounge I hear there is a big game or something this weekend? In honor of the game I’m elevating the man-cave to the gentleman’s lounge. I’m your typical girl when it comes to sports I don’t know a pass from a pitch but...
Weekly Wear to Ware Update-Janelle Monae
Weekly Wear to Ware Fusion of Fashion and Interiors It’s no secret I have a love for fashion and interior design. Last year I started a weekly post on Instagram with the hashtag #weartowarewednesday. These weekly post are a fusion of my two...
The Ugly Truth About Design
I have been a designer for several years now and whenever someone learns I'm an interior designer their first response is, "Wow, what a fun job!" The misconception is that creative fields are not work, it's all fancy fluff, and hardly worth taking...