Articles & Blog

One Room Challenge Week 5- Teen Girl Bedroom
Wow, we are coming down the home stretch here with the One Room Challenge. In case you are reading this for the first time, I entered the One Room Challenge as a guest participant along with a couple of hundred other guest designers, bloggers, and home...
Friday Find Nate Berkus collection for Target
Nate Berkus's design firm is 20 years old this month. Was he a tween when he started or what? Anyway, the designer has a new collection at Tar-jay ( which is how you say Target if you want to sound like you bought it at a little known boutique). Let's face it. Target...
home for the holidays challenge
You are cordially invited to Elle C. Wolfe Interiors first Home for the Holidays Challenge! The challenge will take place here at my virtual online digs, your email inbox and physical home, and on Facebook the week of November 7th- 14th, 2015 The Holidays will be...
unexpected fall inspiration
With the plethora of pumkins on every corner you would think the world was spray painted orange during the month of October. Don't get me wrong...I love orange. Its actually my favorite color and I have at least three rooms in my house painted some shade of the color....
cup of tea
I poo poo-ed tea for most of my adult life. Every time I tried it, it just tasted like burnt flowers. Then when my diet consisted of only cancer fighting foods I started drinking green tea. I don't like green tea. But it was no longer about being palatable, just...
Friday Find-entertaining with wood trays
I always love rustic bowls and trays. I use them with small white bowls for snacks of hummus, pita chips, and grapes to munch on while watching TV. Or use a series of them in a table scape of delectable cheeses, dried fruits, cured meats, and olives when we are...
Meet RH Teen
Friday Find: Meet Restoration Hardware Teen Several years ago Restoration Hardware launched its baby & child line to the yuppie, hipster, design-focused DINKS (Double Income No Kids). See we were cool before all the texting acronyms started flying about. Anyway,...