JT can only bring the sexy back so many times. It’s CB2’s turn. You would string me up by my (way overdue for a manicure) thumbs if you found out I didn’t tell you about this announcement…and you could have saved money.
What the heck am I talking about? Where is the Friday Find…isn’t it Friday you ask.
We are changing things up a bit for this Public Design Announcement:
CB2 is launching a collaboration with Lenny ‘as sexy as he wants to be’ Kravitz! OMGOMGOMGOMG! How cool is that? Are you dying to see it? Me too!
Early birds who are on the list will get first dibs next week to shop for two days prior to the October public launch. For details see below.
Still don’t know what in the blazes I’m talking about? What is CB2..Who is Lenny Kravitz you say? Don’t worry I will explain in next weeks post.
Just trust me on this one.
Have a good weekend and go get on the list by 9/12 for Pete’s sake.
p.s. (who is Pete??? )
To get on CB2’s first dibs list click here.