I poo poo-ed tea for most of my adult life. Every time I tried it, it just tasted like burnt flowers. Then when my diet consisted of only cancer fighting foods I started drinking green tea. I don’t like green tea. But it was no longer about being palatable, just getting the job done- to hell with taste.
Somewhere on this journey I discovered a tea called African Nectar by Mighty Leaf and I was in love! For the longest it was the only non-green tea I drank. Then I discovered the rooibos and oolong teas.
I became a person that carried her own tea bags in her purse…in my very own handmade Etsy travel tea bag envelope, no less!
Then your royal highness, Oprah was ooohing and aaahing all over chai tea. Well, now I have a reason to go into Starbucks and be adventurous, and guzzle iced chai tea like Oprah!
Recently I discovered chai rooibos by Yogi…..yum!
I still don’t consider myself a tea drinker, maybe a snobby tea drinker with a very limited palette of what I like. (Hibiscus tea still taste like boiled dandelion leaves to me.)
But nothing makes me happier than warming my hands with a hot cup of tea. And now its Fall and tea time!
If you’re a tea drinker, today’s Friday Finds are some very fun tea cups and mugs I’m coveting.
Stay Warm and tell me what’s your favorite tea?