With the school year winding down I imagined in my kid’s heads Pharell’s Happy was on repeat because they have been practically levitating for the past two weeks. It was said that Vincent Van Gogh ate his yellow paint because he wanted the happiness inside of him. Thank goodness there are other ways to boost your spirits.
Happiness is in the air. Hello long summer days, cool grass between your toes, the smell of marshmallows roasting, and the freedom to sleep under the stars.
For me, a summer-born child nothing represents happiness more than the high energy color of yellow.
The anticipation of summer influenced my newest Eye Candy Collection with sunny yellow playing a vibrant role. Enjoy the new Soulscape Collective, Vim + Vinegar.
All play and no work
Yellow may be vibrant, energetic, and hopeful, but yellow is said to decrease long-term concentration, so to me its the color of play, not work. Something to consider before you paint your home office yellow.
How does yellow make you feel?
Minions and mayhem
Pantone, or the color gods as I refer to the color experts, has released its latest official color, Minion Yellow! Yes, inspired by the Minions from the Despicable Me franchise. Minion Yellow is the color of “hope, joy, and optimism” according to the Executive Director, Leatrice Wiseman, of the Pantone Color institute.
Enjoy the complete eye candy collection, and it would make me SO happy if you shared this dose of happiness with your friends.